Monday, January 3, 2011

Got the 1989 Donruss box,and 1990 Fleer box

It was sooo fun opening all of them O.O i'm not sure how long it took,but it was awhile haha,Got alot of rookie cards, got a Randy Johnson rookie card,Craig Biggio Rookie card(my favorite) I'm waiting for the 1987 Topps and,1989 Topps,hope those are as fun as these! They both came in today,i was way happy,cause i didnt think they were gonna come this quick! and at the same time. lol Hope everyone had a good day! stay tune for Wed! lets draw some cards ...
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lazy Sunday Talk Part 1

I love Sundays,cause i can finally relax! watch some Football,wish Baseball season was here aready.Who else is watching some Football today? if you are which team are you rooting for? I know,i know,Everyone hates,dallas lol,but i like them,and Houston Texans,I know they are out aready,but hey,i love watching Football on Sundays. I hope Everyone Stays tune on the schedule,cause i got alot of stuff planned out,so i hope everyone likes. Mon-Fridays-I'll talk about Baseball cards Wed-Pick a card,random and draw it on a piece of paper,and submit,it to my email,and see who draws there card better. Sat-I'll...
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How was everyones New Years?

I had a good New years,Just hung out with family,Didn't really pop fireworks,just cause i can see other people pop them,*haha* Did anyone get any new cards in 2011? :P if so lets hear what you got! Still haven't gotten my 1987 Donruss box,1990 Fleer box,!990 Donruss box,But like i said,this week or next week,ill get em.Until then i gotta way. :( Question of the day:What did you do for New Yea...
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